UPDATE 11/17/2022:
Hello Everyone, following the attainment of normal lake levels this morning, the seal between the bottom of flashboards and dam crest has failed. As such, the lake level is again required to be lowered to approximately the dam crest (approximately 3 feet lower than the current state) in order to perform repairs. This is estimated to take one week, but ultimately depends on precipitation and inflow conditions as you’re aware. Once that level is reached and the situation is evaluated, we will communicate an estimated repair and refill schedule.
Hopefully this does not present any undue issues as we remain outside of the typical recreation season. I will maintain the weekly update cadence, at a minimum, and will share additional information as it becomes available.
Best Regards,
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy


UPDATE 10/31/2022:
Hello Everyone, I’m pleased to report that inflow has become more manageable with the water level finally reaching the target. We’re making progress on flashboard maintenance and replacement and the previously estimated lake refill date of 11/16/2022 still appears accurate. Please reach out with any questions and I’ll continue to provide weekly updates at a minimum. 

Best Regards,

UPDATE 10/24/2022:
As an update, we continue to await inflow conditions to allow for the full lake level lowering. The lake level is approximately 6 inches high at this time, even with some work progress made by removing all flashboards. We anticipate that the previously communicated schedule (i.e., work completed in the coming weeks with lake refill beginning on or about 11/9/2022) is still accurate.

One important reminder I ask you to distribute to residents ASAP: In the interest of everyone’s safety, please do not pass the posted “construction area” signs to enter active work areas on private property. Please do not approach workers as unanticipated interactions can prove dangerous for those workers and/or the general public with various tasks in progress and tools and equipment in use.

We appreciate everyone’s continued patience and attention to these important matters.

Thank you,

UPDATE 10/17/2022:
As of this morning, the Lake is about 1 foot above the intended level with all the rain lately. The intended level (i.e., about 4 feet below typical level) should be met in approximately 2 days. As you’re aware, that estimate will ultimately depend on weather conditions.

Following a site inspection this morning, the estimated duration of the low water conditions is 3 weeks. This timetable would have lake refill beginning on approximately 11/9/2022. This duration may change as the maintenance work begins and more details become available. As things progress, I will provide a weekly update with the next iteration on or about 10/24/2022.