Update Sept. 13th Lake Arrowhead Lake Level

Ledgemere Dam Update from Eagle Creek Renewable Energy: Lake Arrowhead elevation is currently being raised. Since the rivers and streams that flow into Lake Arrowhead are low currently, it may take longer than this upcoming weekend, September 14-15, to reach normal...

Mayfair Area Residents – Pump Station Chlorination

Recent water tests have shown the presence of total coliform bacteria at the Pump House on Mayfair Way.  Total coliform bacteria, a naturally present bacteria in the environment, is not harmful and is used as an indicator organism for State and Federal testing.  We...

Mayfair Way Pump Water Main Flushing

The Public Works Crew will begin flushing water mains in the Mayfair Way area starting today, August 8th, and continuing through the weekend. This process will involve activating Water Bleeders in that specific area. If you encounter low water pressure during this...