Over the past week or so, the office has started mailing out the annual billing information for the upcoming Fiscal Year.  The new self sealing envelopes we used also have a perforated top for easy opening.  Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that the envelopes are being opened by the machinery used at the Post Office to sort the envelopes.  We have taken corrective measures for all the envelopes being mailed out this week, but the envelopes already mailed out may have been delivered already open.   
If you have already received the envelope and it was opened, please make sure you received all of the necessary paperwork that was included in the envelope.
For Members who pay in full, you should have received the following:
President’s Letter (one page)
Annual Payment Coupon (one page)
For Members who pay monthly, you should have received the following:
President’s Letter (one page)
Monthly Payment Information Letter (one page)
Coupon Book (10 coupons stapled together) 
If you did not receive the items specified above in your mailing, please contact the office as soon as possible and we will get another copy out to you as soon as possible.  You can call 207-247-5239 or email info@lacinc.org
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.