Sales are way down this year – it’s time to purchase your 2024 Lake Arrowhead Calendar.
The cost is $22.00 per calendar, and you will once again have the option of having your calendar mailed to you at a cost of $5 per calendar. As in past years, we plan on having the calendars ready for pick up or can be mailed out around the Thanksgiving holiday. Full payment for each order will need to be sent to my attention at the time of ordering to Lynne Hawkes, 30 Hillside Road, Tewksbury, MA 01876
Please e-mail your order to me at I will require your name, address, phone number and the number of calendars you want to order. Please be reminded, if you want to have your calendar(s) mailed, I will need to know that as well. Our goal as always is to beat the prior year’s sales!
As always it is also time for Pictures! Pictures! and more Pictures! Lynne will need all those beautiful and amazing pictures we all have been taking out on the lake, including the wildlife, and all the other things Lake Arrowhead has to offer all year long. Pictures from cell phones can now be utilized so Email those great photos and they will all be taken under consideration. Please note our timeline will be shorter this year as I will be traveling and will need to place the order earlier than usual. Please submit all your beautiful pictures to me by October 15th , so I can prepare and get them distributed by the Thanksgiving holiday.
Your support is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! Everyone needs to pitch in to help the fight against the milfoil and the calendar is a daily reminder of how beautiful Lake Arrowhead is and why we need to preserve it for the coming years. Remember to ask your friends and family members who come to enjoy the lake to consider purchasing a calendar. They make great gifts!! Thank you again for your continued support for this fundraiser and I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an email and ask. I will answer them as best as I can.
Best Regards,
Lynne Hawkes